Bruce's Home Page
Table of Contents
1. Cameo
I'm an Information Technology Specialist in the US Army civil service. Experience includes operating and defending Internet systems going back to 1995 for both the public and private sectors. Previous experience includes serving ten years in submarine force for the US Navy as an Electronics Technician. Current interests include Linux/BSD based computer systems, and amateur radio.
2. ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter
The ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter is comprised of ISC2 members and non-members who are interested in the cybersecurity industry and profession, as well as advancing the ISC2 vision of inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. Our chapter provide members with opportunities to share knowledge, grow professionally, educate others, and collaborate on projects.
2.1. Meetings
The chapter meets the second Tuesday of each month. See the ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter forum for specifics.
3. Links
3.1. Web sites that are operated and maintained
3.1.2. Rockman gear
A line of equipment designed and produced by Scholz Research & Development (SR&D) Inc. The company was founded by musician and engineer Tom Scholz to design and manufacture music technology products.
- Rockman Gear Up
A forum for SR&D equipment users, intended to provide a meeting place on the Internet for the users of SR&D designed gear, along with the re-released equipment sold by Dunlop.
An informational site about Rockman gear that describes the concept, design, products, and other information.
3.2. Amateur radio
3.2.1. American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) represents the interests of amateur radio operators before federal regulatory bodies, provides technical advice and assistance to amateur radio enthusiasts, supports a number of educational programs and sponsors emergency communications service throughout the country.
The ARRL is the primary representative organization of amateur radio operators to the US government. The ARRL is also the international secretariat of the International Amateur Radio Union, which performs a similar role internationally, advocating for amateur radio interests before the International Telecommunication Union and the World Administrative Radio Conferences.
3.2.2. Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club (VARC)
The Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club (VARC) is a local Amateur Radio club in Vicksburg Mississippi. VARC maintains repeaters on 2M and 70cm. It meets on the third Monday of each month at Goldies BBQ, 2430 S Frontage Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39180.